Katy Perry in MasterChef
Inspiration in the Kitchen

Katy Perry in MasterChef was a true inspiration for me – great appearance, fun moments to laugh on and lots to get inspired by.
Inspiration in Cooking
Cooking is all about inspiration. Do you agree? Finding inspiration is key to the creation process in the kitchen, and sometimes you just need to work on finding it. And sometimes it comes by itself…
Katy Perry in MasterChef
I remember watching one of the MasterChefs back in the days – its Australian version. It was the 12th season, and one of their immunity challenges got to feature Katy Perry in it.
No wonder they called that challenge “Hot n Cold”. Katy’s track with the same name had been opening the show for more than a decade, so there was noone better suited than Katy to starstrike the contestants.
You’re hot then you’re cold;
You’re yes then you’re no. [1]
Let’s just say that it was supposed to be an interesting episode in itself (immunity challenges are always fun to watch) but Katy made it extra bright and hilarious, cheering, joking and having fun around the kitchen… also, somewhat distracting the contestants, Reece in particular. π In a good way, of course.
Immunity Challenge with Katy
Speaking of the immunity challenges, you know what those are, right? If you don’t, the immunity challenges are contests to win immunity pins that allow contestants to save themselves from the elimination in the future.
Pretty important stuff, so having Katy appear made it even more special not only for the contestants but for the show viewers, too.
Inviting Katy to the Show
MasterChef is known for inviting professional chefs, celebrities and food world giants to add a refreshing and entertaining angle to the show. But this time they surprised everyone even though inviting Katy seemed like a breeze for the shows’ manager, according to his story.
For someone like me, who is Chained to the Rhythm when cooking, seeing Katy Perry in MasterChef was inspiring. It was really interesting to see how the culinary world interacts with the entertainment industry and hear some of the insights from the world celebrity.
Turn it up, it’s your favorite song! [2]
Inspired for Pavlova Dessert
In fact, it was that night when I made my very first Tropical Pavlova dessert. It was delicious!
Now every time I make a new Pavlova recipe, I go back to the Season 12 of MasterChef when Katy Perry surprised everyone and inspired me to make something special… You can find a few of my other Pavlova dessert recipes here on the blog.
I would definitely make a Pavlova for my MasterChef entry – it is one of the most exquisite desserts that you can make to wow your loved ones, a show’s judges and… Katy Perry π
So if I were to enter with a Pavlova dessert, which version would you recommend me going with:
- Blueberry Pavlova
- Cherry Pavlova
- Chocolate Hazelnut Pavlova
- Tropical Fruits Pavlova
- Strawberry Blackberry Pavlova
Let me know in the comments below.
- Hot n Cold lyrics by Katy Perry.
- Chained to the Rhythm lyrics by Katy Perry.