Octopus In Port Wine

How to Make

Recipe Review:


Octopus in Port Wine recipe, or Polvo a Lagareiro, is one of the many Portuguese gems that is high in protein and tastes incredible!


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Gather ingredients Set up a casserole for potatoes, cook Set up a casserole for octopus Prepare & cook octopus Preheat Oven & Check Octopus Set up baking tray Bake Serve

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.



1 minute

Gather ingredients

Get all the ingredients ready on the table.



3 minutes


Pour in water into a casserole #1. Add washed potatoes and salt. Leave to boil until the potatoes are cooked.



4 minutes

OCtopus Casserole

Pour in water into a casserole #2. Peel and slightly cut onion, then add it together with a wine cork to the casserole (this will make the octopus softer). Leave to boil.



35 minutes

Prepare & cook octopus

In the meantime, rinse octopus in water thoroughly. If the octopus has not been cleaned, make sure to open its head first and clean it. Dip the cleaned and washed octopus into the boiling water. Repeat three times and let the octopus boil until tender (adding Port wine before letting the octopus boil).



1 minute

preheat oven, check octopus

Preheat oven. Check the octopus if it is done by prickling it with a big fork.



6 minutes

set up baking tray

While the oven is preheating, take the cooked potatoes out of the water. Be careful, the potatoes will be very hot. Cut the potatoes in halves and add them to a baking tray. Add the cooked octopus, cut into pieces. Then thinly cut the yellow part of the lemon skin and add it to the tray. Drizzle with lemon juice and olive oil.



30 minutes


Cover the casserole with foil and bake in the preheated oven until the potatoes have browned and the octopus has cooked through.




When octopus is ready, serve it with chopped parsley and a glass of favorite wine. You may also serve salsa verde on the side for authenticity.

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